Child Development & Caregiver Resources
Our children do not come with instruction manuals yet most of their brain development happens between 0-3 years!
Find local organizations who provide parent education on child development and trusted on-line state, national, and non-profit resources featuring great information and activities to add new experiences and knowledge to your child’s development.
Local Resources
Blue Ridge Community College
Blue Ridge Community College offers courses on Child Development toward certificates and various degrees. Early childhood education courses are great for parents and caregivers to learn about child development...because kids don’t come with instructions!
Center for Women
The Center for Women offers parenting classes on child development, parenting toddlers, and prenatal/newborn care.
Children's Center of Transylvania County
The Children's Center offers two programs: Nurturing Parenting Support Group/Playgroup and The Nurturing Program; to assist caregivers feel more confident of their parenting capabilities.
Creating a Family
Creating a Family is the national adoption, foster, and kinship care education and support nonprofit based in our own Transylvania County. Their mission is to strengthen and inspire adoptive, foster & kinship parents in raising children exposed to trauma. They provide free online expert-based resources and training for parents & professionals.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Through the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library your child receives a book once a month that helps to promote communication and pre-reading skills.
The Family Place
The Family Place offers two types of parent learning courses: The Incredible Years and Circle of Security.
GetSet Babies
Smart Start of Transylvania County’s GetSet Babies network is a collaborative approach to supporting and enriching families before and after the welcoming of a new baby. They offer community support to new and expectant mothers as you take the first steps toward a healthy and happy future! Join the network to learn and discuss topics like mental health, breastfeeding, nutrition, and more! GetSet Babies can also help connect families to local service providers and can provide breastfeeding supplies, diapers, and other needed items to support infant health!
Transylvania County Library
Whether you are within their walls, greeting them while “on the road” or sitting in your living room, Transylvania County Library provides free access to books and resources from every corner of the imagination. From storytimes to play activities to book sets, they have your early learning needs covered! Transylvania County Library is your hub for learning, gathering and growing, together.
WNCSource provides free quality early childhood education and care for qualifying families with children ages zero to five through our Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS) programs. EHS and HS classroom programs available Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. Child Care voucher and or family paid early and late care also available. Don’t want to leave your home? Home-Based services bring the classroom into the home. During a weekly 90-minute visit, the family and parent educator focus on learning through play and kindergarten readiness.
State + National Resources
Bright by Text
Bright by Text is a texting service delivering developmental tips, activities, and encouragement tailored to your child/ren’s age. Texts cover a range of topics to nurture social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Unsubscribe anytime.
CDC Milestones
The Center For Disease Control developed a downloadable app to look for typical behaviors and skills at each age and stage of development. A great resource for tracking your child’s development and springboard for discussions with your pediatrician in the event something feels off.
Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Institute provides a wealth of research-based resources on children’s social, emotional, and mental development.
PBS Parents
PBS Parents allows caregivers to find ideas and resources for promoting learning and development.
Positive Childhood Alliance North Carolina
Positive Childhood Alliance NC (Formally Prevent Child Abuse NC) has developed several one-hour trainings to help concerned adults know the signs of child abuse and neglect and how to take action.
Sesame Street in Communities
Sesame Street in Communities provides articles, activities, and videos on a spectrum of topics such as literacy, daily routines, asthma, resilience, divorce, parental addiction, and so much more.
Zero to Three
Zero to Three features wealth of resources on early development/well-being, early learning, parenting, and policy & advocacy.